Wednesday, February 1, 2012

New Poem - Untitled

Is there still time for you and I?
After years of syncopation
This bow-legged base
Will it stand?
After the stress it has already endured?
Rust can be removed,
But the shine and smell of “new”
cannot be recreated.
It’s old and beaten
A Model “A” that still runs
Old school Atari that powers up
It ain’t pretty, but it works
And it’s known…
Will we accept what seems predetermined?
Or are we determined to not accept?
Will it ever completely die?
Is there time for you and I?

Friday, December 23, 2011

Tiered Dating

Once a female friend and I were having a conversation regarding dating and she proposed the idea that people usually date others who are in the same tier of looks as they are.   I have a couple thoughts I would like to hit on this one.  Let’s hop into a little Funkosophy!
                First off, I can see where she was going with this and to some extent I agree, but, if I recall the conversation correctly, she doesn’t be that people date up or down a tier.  I do, figuratively and literally.  Technically, I can’t say I have dated up or down a level, but I am willing to and there are always exceptions which is why I say “literally.”  Whether an outsider thinks I am in the same level is all subjective.  Still, people will, if given the option date up a level and I think that a person’s personality is what allows this.  Hypothetically speaking, if everyone one of the opposite sex in your tier and above had completely heinous personalities you would be willing to date down a tier for the possibility of finding someone with a good personality.  To the same extent, if you  have a good personality you have your tier +1 allowing you to be the benefactor of this past scenario.  Do we date people who are about as good-looking as we are?  Most likely.  If so, is it movable?  Yes.
                My second pondering on this…what tier do I fall on?  Is it all just self-image?  Yes, it’s subjective so you may agree or disagree with me on this, but I don’t think I am in “the highest tier.”  I might be a step down at best.  I, generally, consider myself rather average looking.  I am certainly not a young David Beckham.  I think my sense of style, awareness of what works and doesn’t, etc works in my favor and bumps me up a little, but slap me in jeans and a t-shirt along with many other average Joes and what do  you get?  Just a lineup of average people.  I’m not fishing for a compliment (though you may not believe me) and like I said earlier, it’s subjective.  Maybe there are a hundred tiers?  If that is the case and I’m on Tier 99, that’s d@mned good (unless one hundred is the low!).  If there are three tiers, then I am second best and second worst.  All I know is I am not David Beckham, Hugh Grant, George Clooney, Tom Cruise, etc.  I’d rather be who I am anyways. :-P

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Loneliness and tact

     I'm only going to say this once, which is weird because if you are blogging it then you are saying it as many times as someone decides to read it.  Either's another Funkosophy.

      I get lonely, much like everyone does at times, but I never say anything about it because no matter how lonely I may be or why there is no justification.  I have many friends and so if I am just physically or mentally lonely it is my own fault for not calling up a friend to hang out and converse.  And if I am emotionally lonely, particularly, there is even less of an excuse.  There are more than a couple women I know who would be more than willing to love me if I gave them the chance.  Obviously, I feel reciprocation is equally as important.  It is because of this, and out of respect for them and their emotions that I do my best, even if I feel like I am Omega Man and misunderstood, that I do not say anything and deal with it in my head.  The ship will right itself eventually and thus there is no need to call on someone who is dealing with their own personal storm to set sail for me.  Yes, I get lonely, but it is my own fault.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Song Lyrics

Obviously, some song lyrics make you think more than others and being a singer I find myself particularly paying attention to the lyric because I need to know if this is a message I truly want to convey.  If you can’t fully support the lyric than how are you going to convince the audience that you have lived or are living it?  And then there are times in which the lyric is intended to be interpreted a certain way, but I hear it another thus find it ridiculous and cannot, once again, support the song.  There will be a few blogs coming up regarding such lyrics as I find them.  Off the top of my head I can think of two songs whose lyrics will be written about:

1.       Do they know it’s Christmas
2.       You Are Too Beautiful

There will be lyrics…errrrrr…words! :-P

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Want vs Need - a new poem

I need air,
I want it clean.
I need water,
I want it cool.
I need love,
But I want yours...

Lovely Logic

Were that it so simple
Basic arithmetic
An algorithm
Logic proven
The derivative of one, four, and three
One, four and three
The difference between fifty-seven and forty-one

Fifty-seven and forty-one...
The sum of two souls looking for answers.
Were it as simple as theoretical math...
Complicated, yet with the possibility of being proven...

Thursday, October 6, 2011

     When many people think of those they have hurt in the past I feel as though they are rather non-chalant.  They might say, "Oh...yeah...that kind of sucked" or maybe even, "They deserved it."  When I think of those I have hurt, I feel pain and regret.  Not deep and tormenting pain and regret, but sincere pain and regret.  I think to myself, "Was I not <insert adjective here> enough to <insert my failing here>?"  My hope is that anyone who has entered my life has found my presence to bring some degree of happiness or fulfilling to them.  And for those who have had to leave it for one reason or another I hope that they find something greater than me for whatever they were seeking in me as soon as possible.  I am someone who believes in love.  I know I usually talk about "love," but in this case I am not referring to the emotional connection between two people, but in the sincere unconditional offering of good fortune for another's life journey.  There are some in my life that many would say I should wish ill upon, but even for them I hope they find that which I could not teach or bring into their life.  I am missing more than a couple people right now at this exact moment in my life.  One I loved considerably so in such a small duration of time that had you told me I would there would have been laughing.  One is a friend that shall not see again for a long time, God willing.  One is a friend I shall not see again until he finds some sort of peace of mind to pry him away from the self-destructive road he was on when I parted ways.  Obviously, I miss them because they are no longer in my life (though not all will be permanently out).  Still...I wish I could be for them what they wanted me to be.  I wish I could be a part of their joy.  Alas, I can only be myself, and so I shall be, hoping that Michael Funk is all they expect and want of me.